Friday, March 15, 2013

Getting Back in the Swing

So to speak.

My presence has certainly been lacking on this blog. Although for some "good" reasons (midterms were last week and the week before) and some lazy ones, none are really acceptable for not posting anything. So I am back and renewing my determination to make this one of my weekday priorities. Actually I'm thinking Sunday-Thursday posts. (At least after today) The idea was to be motivated to "do" more so I would have something to write about, but without my own blog schedule to keep me accountable, well, we've seen how well that worked! :P

Anyway, this week is (was, it's nearly over, oh no!) my Spring break, so my friend Eve and I went to Portland last Friday, and didn't come back until Wednesday. There was a fair bit of walking around the city, although I didn't write it down. I didn't get any dancing in, but I did get to visit two of my oldest friends. Each is very different, and it was so nice to catch up with them. I came back feeling pretty refreshed. And I'm even more determined to be in good shape for more adventures, including camping and some hiking this summer.

The plan this weekend is dancing. Lots of dancing. There is a band playing at the Alley tonight, and I'll probably get some done there. Tomorrow night I'm having a little gathering at my mom's house, which has lots of room and some good speakers. Sunday I will be doing the clean-up at Mom's so that will round the weekend off nicely.

Today is the beginning of "spring cleaning" at my apartment. I still haven't successfully moved in to this place, and I would like to before the business of true spring hits and I will no longer be able to spend hours folding and sorting piles of clothes and figuring out creative ways to stack books so they can come out of their boxes and--Oy!! Haha. But then I usually end up dance-cleaning a little bit, so it becomes its own form of mild exercise.

I definitely need to join Eve at the gym at least once a week also. She knows how to get a good sweat going on, for sure.

Time for more cleaning, some lentil soup, and some work after that! Sunday I expect I will start adding some words about food, which is even more important than exercise for getting in shape.

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