Wednesday, March 20, 2013


So maybe it isn't Sunday. Or Monday. But I DID dance a lot last weekend, so that was good. And I cleaned quite a bit, which is by no means strenuous exercise but it does involve more moving around than doing homework or watching a movie.

I still walk every day to class also, which is about all the exercise I did Monday except for some that's a bit "unmentionable" for this blog. :P

The weather is still a bit too chilly for me to motivate to walk to work, since I'd be walking back after dark most days. But soon that will be easier and I'll be getting back on my bike too.

Not enough time for a food post. I'm supposed to be in bed already, but I wanted to do a quick update just to remind myself that I'm really doing this!

1 comment:

  1. I like that slogan from Field Notes: I'm not writing this down to remember it later, I'm writing it down to remember it now!
