Thursday, October 30, 2014

A shorter walk

... down the Engineering hill and back up.  It's the same as the Downtown Walk, but without the flatland part.  Times 8:13 down, 9:41 up -- the former not particularly fast, the latter probably a PB.  Which goes to show that fatigue from the flatland part plays a role in the uphill time on the Downtown walk (got that?).

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Monday-therough-Wednesday News

Monday I did the Oly walk, taking it pretty easy (though still a purposeful stride, not a stroll).  Splits were Nevada St 5:08, Observatory Rd 16:48, round trip 26:48.  But at least I was moving.

Tuesday I went to yoga class and learned to bring the tailbone and the obliques (abdominals) into line to improve (e.g.) tree pose.

Wednesday I did the Oly walk again with more focus and effort (though I tried to be a little circumspect, not flat-out).  Splits were 4:54, 9:58 at Global Animal Health, 16:04 at Observatory Rd, and round trip 24:36.  Apparently I really slowed down on the homeward leg on Monday (I was tired), but cleaned up on that leg today.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Four-for-Five, and a Quick March Downtown

In spite of a heavy week at work, I did the Oly walk on Monday and Wednesday, yoga on Tuesday, and a walk to the bank downtown on Friday (payday).  The latter had splits of 7:05 (!), 13:50 (!), 20:45, and 29:50(!) which are probably personal bests (no time to look up right now).

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Not Five-for-Five

So last week I was trying for 5 exercise bouts in 5 days -- not even close.  I did the Oly walk on Monday and Friday, and Yoga on Tuesday, and that's all.  Much better than nothing...

Over the weekend, I made up for it with exertions with a manure shovel, bedding tool, etc. (Nate did all the wheelbarrowing).  Unloading Brent's 1-ton dumper (dumper unloading turning out to be a little more complicated that you would think) was a major effort, as was spreading and then tilling in the garlic patch.  I had a little soreness in the hip-SI area, but it seems to be tapering off.  I hope I don't have one of those four-day dormancies before the injury shows up...

Yesterday I did the Oly walk again -- about 24:30 (I forgot to look right at the end).  Today I intend to attend Yoga.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Going for 5 for 5

It's not my usual practice to announce goals -- too many disappointments have made me skeptical -- but in this case, I am being bold!  I am going for 5 exercises in 5 days this week.  I read in AARP Magazine that you can train your muscles to reduce insulin resistance with 150 minutes of eercise per week, but you have to do it by repeated exercise, not just 150 minutes in a go (like moving chunks of firewood on Saturday).

Today I did the Olympia route in 25:36, which is not at all bad, though it seemed to me that I was not performing very well -- respiratory discomfort and lots of spitting.

A guy I passed up near Global Animal Health made a remark I didn't really catch, but I responded "I'm figured I better use the last of the good ones" (days weather-wise, that is).  It was beautiful -- just a little cool, which supposedly helps the "brown fat" (but Ihaven't researched that at all).

With all that, I'm 1 for 1.  So nu?