Monday, February 16, 2015

Week Behind, Week Ahead

Last week I was 5 for 5 on exercise (zero for 5 on blogging :-S).  Four Airport Road walks, plus a pretty vigorous workout at Yoga.  Erika found an old "Fundamental Sequence" handout that had that old-time-religion ring -- to begin with, twenty standing poses in a row.

Monday's walk was just about 35 minutes -- I didn't make any attempt to go beyond Stage 3 ("Purposeful") walking. On Wednesday and Thursday, I tried Stage 4 ("Hurrying") on the way out, but fell back to Stage 3 or 3.5 on the way back due to fatigue.  My times were very close on both days to 33:45. On Friday I attempted Stage 5 ("Maximum Effort") on the way out, and made excellent time (16:13), only to fall off  even more due to fatigue to 17:44 on the way back, for a total of 33:57.

Today I did Olympia Ave instead.  More aerobic challenge,but shorter in miles and time.  I counted 1620 paces (where Airport Rd. is 1150 paces one way) in 25:29.  The average pace rate today was only 45, where it is usually about 65 for Airport Road.  I guess the hill took more out of me than I realized.

One further innovation:  following a suggestion of Diane Kress, I had a small apple (15 grams of readily-available carbohydrates) just before 1/2 hour of exercise.  It did seem to make my muscles (and me!) a lot more comfortable, and the aftermath less of a wipe-out.

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